Thursday, 7 November 2013

First of the shambling hoard

before starting the whole of the skeleton unit I wanted to try out some ideas to get them to look how I wanted the finished result to look. I knew there would be some hard parts to them and it was something I had been thinking about for a while. The bone would be easy I had already done this on a few skulls dotted about on bases but wanted to find a quicker way to do it.  The bit I was struggling to work out was how to do weathered metal as this would appear a lot on these models and the unit of grave guard I had planned.

I had played about with taking pictures of painted models and converting them to grey scale to see how it looked.

From this you can see the problem the rust should tonally match the metal so when taken into grey scale it doesn't look any different from the rest. I had a play about with trying out different things to try to get a weathered look and settled on a chipped paint look which was very subtle and I think this is what I will go for across the majority of the army.

The main part of the model was the bone for this I worked up from black wet brushing the whole model with Mechanicus Standard Grey then a dry brush of Administratum Grey, this was then followed by a layer of Cermimite white which I painted on in a thin layer. the final par was to edge highlight the bone with White scar then use a black glaze to darken up some of the recesses. This made painting the skull fun allowing me to make the teeth and eye sockets pop a lot more.

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